We are known all over the world, we don't need anything from you but to build you and your future, if you believe
I rather die cry and weep bitterly in a mansion than being happy in a arch-house because I know there is so much fun in hell.
don't believe but those that tries wins, a child that was learning how
to climb an Iroko tree supposed to have a strong heart and powerful hood
to succeed in this world.
Your believe is your choice, you believe, you make your choice and be a man of the people nobody was born with poverty.
color do you want it to be, how do you want it to look, where do you
ENGLAND, anywhere in the world but to be a man was what you see but what
you believe, give it a try, we don't force anybody, just make up your
mind, but it wasn't easy at all, Said Ebutalium.
Hustle can
never make you rich but what you insist in to your inner heart, unless
you are among the membership, Ebutalium Occult Society, Stop playing a
game that you can not won and face future prepared for you.
you try, you will know that money is ordinary paper, but is very
difficult to gather the money plenty if you don't believe in the society
of Ebutalium.
There is a land in this Nigerian that they
want to use and enslave Nigerians but we will expose it before there way
works, Ebutalium Secret Occult of Nigeria are here to change the world
for good, be with us.
Ebutalium Secret occult is the most
wonderful and powerful hood ever around the world, we created in our own
taste and satisfacture, from origin, from our fore fore fathers, so it
is a strong hood in our world,
We gathered the rules and regulations and establish the command from Evil land, we are our will
types of deal that is heavy for man to hear when you are through,money
is just a paper if you believe and give it a try, We can make a man of
the African, you can go anywhere around the world, make uncountable
friends, touch, see, feel, eat and enjoy anything in this world.
We have business that can build your future and generation and also have those that can back you up.
society values you a lot, we are doing this to replace our retired
members and those that has been with our ancestors and fore father,
that's why we want all to join.
It wasn't easy at all but the wealthiness and riches of your secret is so enjoyable, everlasting and powerful.
can take you to anywhere you never see before and make you king but
your heart make it happen, your believe is your goals, What ever you
want is in our world so never fear.
We know what we want,
life is good when you involve yourself in secret, eating money is our
culture, I and my men of Caribbean world, we have little boys that are
booming all over the world, we want all because all is unity and that is
why we never fall till eternity, that is the game gentle men play, it
pleases the earth and shame the haters, we rule because we created our
own planet to we alone but we need our children to live and enjoy the
good things in it.
Eating money is our culture
have to believe in yourself that a secret man can not do, but you do it
and suicide is the secret of your success, try and see is a command to
allow you do an believe that you are capable but it depends on your
believe, Ebutalium Secret Occult is a great land for the independent,
against evil will not make you a good person, yes money is the root of
evil but when you have the evil, everybody will call and make you the
good person, you hate evil is not when I give you billions of that evil
money, but remember no gut no glory, it depends on your believe,
"Ebutalium Secret Occult need all.
Members of Ebutalium
Brotherhood international, mighty name ever liveth,just money is our
business, We have rules, we have command, we have godfathers, we have
commitment, we have power, we have fame, but one family, and a book to
teach you what ever you want.
Sorry, for this post, we know
what you know, so it a pressure to be there for a mission accomplished,
because you have fight for it in vision, unless it's something you don't
mind to be insanely abandoned, or be your self, because nothing good
come so easy What is that was holding you not to be initiated, mention,
it will be afforded, without wasting of time, I mean anything, because
we own the planet and we command.
Ebutalium secret occult are
the highest and ever, kingdom of making money and rebuilding the planet
with goods and beautiful, everyone is invited, kids, young,old, male,
female, everybody but it depends on your believe, money is nothing to be
suffering for, to be crying for, to be ashamed of, if bury the fear to
the grave and come back to land of Egypt with power and fame, with money
life is good We were created to recreate the world, to the extend that a
kid has a power to rule the world but just your believe make you a
ruler, too easy and simple just try, We own the world, we lead, also we
protect but just we alone.
Mentioned what ever you need,
that's true living, don't fear, never loose hope, depend on your heart,
sweep out poverty, bury shame and shy to grave, and be a man of
everyone, just if you believe Ebutalium is here to celebrate upliftment
with you.
Money is evil but when you have that evil,
everybody will use you as the example of good and you will live a better
life, what ever you thought in your self that is good to you is beyond
your believe, give life a chance and see wealthiness through it,
Ebutalium Secret occult is a fire a breeze can never blow off, we are
like air, we are all over the world, We have godfathers, great
chieftains men, titled underground Caliban that will protect you from
any business they put you into after you where initiated, but believe
your life can be changed in a seconds, Ebutalium Secret Occult, are made
to fight poverty, From nobody to some body, no matter how you are, what
you do, where you from, how old you are, we are 100 percent equal to
make you a king, and uplift your generation.
We can change
your whole life to a paradise, as soon as you where initiated, many deal
to great your life is awaiting your arrival and future.
those in search of places to go and associate themselves, just because
of money, or things of the world, we are now opened, for you to know
that there is a way real to tell everybody that you are created equal
rights and wealthy, just if you believe in you.
Making money
is our religion and eating money is our culture, life is good when you
hope on something, show everything to those who deserve everything
Great members of Ebutalium Occult Society, joined and be rich, no one was born poor.
and make yourself a king of everything in your life and see those you
never see before, touch, laugh with them, and you can go any where in
the world.
Your life is yours, you can do anything with it and it's too short so enjoy it now.
Contact us
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
In every man there are latent faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself knowledge of the higher worlds. The mystic, theosophist, or gnostic speaks of a soul-world and a spirit-world, which are, for him, just as real as the world which we see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical hands. At every moment his listener may say to himself: What he speaks about I too can learn, when I have developed within myself certain powers which today lie slumbering within me. There remains only the question as to how one has to commence in order to develop within oneself such faculties. For this only those can give advice who have already developed such powers within themselves. As: long as the human race has existed, there have always been schools in which those who possessed these higher faculties gave instruction to those who were in search of them. Such are called the occult schools, and the instruction which is imparted therein is called esoteric science, or occult teaching. Such a designation naturally awakens misunderstanding. He who hears it may be very easily misled into the belief that those who work in these, schools desire to represent a special, privileged class, which arbitrarily withholds its knowledge from its fellow-creatures. Indeed, he may even think that perhaps there is nothing really important behind such knowledge. For he is tempted to think that, if it were a true knowledge, there would then be no need to make a secret about it: one might then communicate it publicly and open up its advantages to all men.
Those who have been initiated into the nature of the occult knowledge are not in the least surprised that the uninitiated should so think. Only he who has to a certain degree experienced this initiation into the higher secrets of being can understand the secret of that initiation. But it may be asked: How, then, shall the uninitiated, considering the circumstances, develop any interest at all in this so-called occult knowledge? How and why ought they to search for something of whose nature they can form no idea? But such a question is based upon an entirely erroneous conception of the real nature of occult knowledge. There is, in truth, no difference between occult knowledge and all the rest of man’s knowledge and capacity. This occult knowledge is no more of a secret for the average man than writing is a secret to him who has never learned to read. And just as everyone who chooses the correct method may learn to write, so too can everyone who searches after the right way become a disciple, and even a teacher. In only one respect are the conditions here different from those that apply to external thought activities. The possibility of acquiring the art of writing may be withheld from someone through poverty, or through the state of civilisation into which he has been born; but for the attainment of knowledge in the higher worlds there is no obstacle for him who sincerely reaches for it.
Many believe that one has to find, here or there, the Masters of the higher knowledge, in order to receive enlightenment from them. In the first place, he who strives earnestly after the higher knowledge need not be afraid of any difficulty or obstacle in his search for an Initiate who shall be able to lead him into the profounder secrets of the world. Everyone, on the contrary, may be certain that an Initiate will find him out, under any circumstances, if there is in him an earnest and worthy endeavor to attain this knowledge. For it is a strict law amongst all Initiates to withhold from no man the knowledge that is due to him. But there is an equally strict law which insists that no one shall receive any occult knowledge until he is worthy. And the more strictly he observes these two laws, the more perfect is an Initiate. The order which embraces all Initiates is surrounded, as it were, by a wall, and the two laws here mentioned form two strong principles by which the constituents of this wall are held together. You may live in close friendship with an Initiate, yet this wall will separate him from you just as long as you have not become an Initiate yourself. You may enjoy in the fullest sense the heart, the love of an Initiate, yet he will only impart to you his secret when you yourself are ready for it. You may flatter him; you may torture him; nothing will induce him to divulge to you anything which he knows ought not to be disclosed, inasmuch as you, at the present stage of your evolution, do not understand how rightly to receive the secret into your soul.
The ways which prepare a man for the reception of a secret are clearly prescribed. They are indicated by the unfading, everlasting letters within the temples where the Initiates guard the hi4her secrets. In ancient times, anterior to “history,” these temples were outwardly visible; today, because our lives have become so unspiritual, they are mostly quite invisible to external sight. Yet they are present everywhere, and all who seek may find them.
Only within his soul may a man discover the means which will open for him the lips of the Initiate. To a certain high degree he must develop within himself special faculties, and then the greatest treasures of the Spirit become his own.
He must begin with a certain fundamental attitude of the soul: the student of Occultism calls it the Path of Devotion, of Veneration. Only he who maintains this attitude can, in Occultism, become a disciple. And he who has experience in these things is able to perceive even in the child the signs of approaching discipleship. There are children who look up with religious awe to those they venerate. For such people they have a respect which forbids them to admit even in the innermost sanctuary of the heart any thought of criticism or opposition. Such children grow up into young men and maidens who feel happy when they are able to look up to anything venerable. From the ranks of such children are recruited many disciples.
Have you ever paused outside the door of some venerated man, and have you, on this your first visit, felt a religious awe as you pressed the handle, in order to enter the room which for you is a holy place? Then there has been manifested in you an emotion which may be the germ of your future discipleship. It is a blessing for every developing person to have such emotions upon which to build. Only it must not be thought that such qualities are the germ of submissiveness and slavery. Experience teaches us that those can best hold their heads erect who have learnt to venerate where veneration is due. And veneration is always in its place when it rises from the depths of the heart.
If we do not develop within ourselves this deeply-rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find enough strength to evolve to something higher. The Initiate has only acquired the power of lifting his intellect to the heights of knowledge by guiding his heart into the depths of veneration and devotion. The heights of the Spirit can only be reached by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to gaze upon the Reality, but he must first acquire this right. There are laws in the spiritual life, as in the physical life. Rub a glass rod with an appropriate material and it will become electric, that is to say, it will receive the power of attracting small bodies. This exemplifies natural law. And if one has learnt even a little of physics, one knows this. Similarly, if one is acquainted with the first principles of Occultism, one knows that every feeling of true devotion which opens out in the soul, develops a power which may, sooner or later, lead to the Path of Knowledge.
He who possesses within himself this feeling of devotion, or who is fortunate enough to receive it from his education, brings a great deal along with him, when, later in life, he seeks an entrance to the higher knowledge. But he who brings no such preparation will find himself confronted with difficulties even upon the first step of the Path of Knowledge, unless he undertakes, by rigorous self-education, to create the devotional mood within himself. In our time it is especially important that full attention be given to this point. Our civilization tends much more towards criticism, the giving of judgments, and so forth, than toward devotion, and a selfless veneration. Our children already criticise far more than they worship. But every judgment, every carping criticism, frustrates the powers of the soul for the attainment of the higher knowledge, in the same measure that all heartfelt devotion develops them. In this we do not wish to say anything against our civilization. It is in no way a question of passing a criticism upon it. It is just to this critical faculty, this self-conscious human judgment, this “prove all things and hold fast the good,” that we owe the greatness of our civilisation. We could never have attained to the science, the commerce, the industry, the law of our time, had we not exercised our critical faculty everywhere, had we not everywhere applied the standard of our judgment. But what we have thereby gained in external culture we have had to pay for with a corresponding loss of the higher knowledge, of the spiritual life.
Now the one thing that everyone must clearly understand is that for him who is right in the center of the objective civilization of our time, it is very difficult to advance to the knowledge of the higher worlds. He can only do so if he works energetically within himself. At a time when the conditions of outward life were simpler, spiritual exaltation was easier of attainment. That which ought to be venerated, that which ought to be kept holy, stood out in better relief from the ordinary things of the world. In a period of criticism these ideals are lowered; other emotions take the place of veneration, respect, prayer, and wonder. Our own age continually pushes these emotions further and further back, so that in the daily life of the people they play but a very small part. He who seeks for, higher knowledge must create it within himself; he must himself instil it into his soul. It cannot be done by study: it can only be done through life. He who wishes to become a disciple must therefore assiduously cultivate the devotional mood. Everywhere in his environment he must look for that which demands of him admiration and homage. Whenever his duties or circumstances permit, he should try to renounce entirely all criticism or judgment. If I meet a man and blame him for his weakness, I rob myself of power to win the higher knowledge; but if I try to enter lovingly into his merits, I then gather such power. The disciple must continually try to follow out this advice. Experienced occultists are aware how much they owe to the continual searching for the good in all things, and the withholding of all carping criticism. This must not remain only as an external rule of life; rather must it take possession of the innermost part of our souls. We have it in our power to perfect ourselves, and by and by to transform ourselves completely. But this transformation must take place in the innermost self, in the mental life. It is not enough that I show respect only in my outward bearing toward a person; I must have this respect in my thought. The disciple must begin by drawing this devotion into his thought-life, He must altogether banish from his consciousness all thoughts of disrespect, of criticism, and he must endeavor straightway to cultivate thoughts of devotion.
Every moment in which we set ourselves to banish from our consciousness whatever remains in it of disparaging, suspicious judgment of our fellow-men, every such moment brings us nearer to the knowledge of higher things. And we rise rapidly when, in such moments, we fill our consciousness only with thoughts that evoke in us admiration, respect, and veneration for men and things. He who has experience in these matters will know that in every such moment powers are awakened in man which otherwise remain dormant. In this way the spiritual eyes of a man are opened. He begins to see things around him which hitherto he was unable to see. He begins to understand that hitherto he had only seen a part of the world around him. The man with whom he comes in contact now shows him quite a different aspect from what he showed before. Of course, he will not yet, through this rule of life alone, be able to see what has elsewhere been described as the human aura, because, for that, a still higher training is necessary. But he can rise to this higher training if he has previously gone through a thorough training in devotion. [In the last chapter of the book entitled Theosophie (Berlin, C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn), Dr. Rudolf Steiner fully describes this “Path of Knowledge;” here it is only intended to give some practical details.]
Noiseless and unnoticed by the outer world is the treading of the “Path of Discipleship.” It is not necessary that anyone should notice a change in the disciple. He does his duties as hitherto; he attends to his business as before. The transformation goes on only in the inner part of the soul, hidden from outward sight. At first the entire soul-life of a man is flooded by this fundamental mood of devotion for everything which is truly venerable. His entire soul-life finds in this fundamental mood its pivot. Just as the sun, through its rays, will vivify everything living, so in the life of the disciple this reverence vivifies all the perceptions of the soul.
At first it is not easy for people to believe that feelings like reverence, respect, and so forth, have anything to do with their perceptions. This comes from the fact that one is inclined to think of perception as a faculty quite by itself, one that stands in no relation to what otherwise happens in the soul. In so thinking, we do not remember that it is the soul which perceives. And feelings are for the soul what food is for the body. If we give the body stones in place of bread its activity will cease. It is the same with the soul. Veneration, homage, devotion, are as nutriment which makes it healthy and strong, and especially strong for the activity of perception. Disrespect, antipathy, and under-estimation, bring about the starvation and withering of this activity. For the occultist this fact is visible in the aura. A soul which harbors the feelings of devotion and reverence, brings about a change in its aura. Certain yellowish-red or brown-red tints will vanish, and tints of bluish-red will replace them. And then the organ of perception opens. It receives information of facts in its neighborhood of which hitherto it had no knowledge. Reverence awakens a sympathetic power in the soul, and through this we attract similar qualities in the beings which surround us, which would otherwise remain hidden. More effective still is that power which can be obtained by devotion when another feeling is added. One learns to give oneself up less and less to the impressions of the outer world, and to develop in its place a vivid inward life. He who darts from one impression of the outer world to another, constantly seeks dissipation, cannot find the way to Occultism. The disciple must not blunt himself to the outer world; but rich inner life will point out the direction in which he ought to lend himself to its impressions. When passing through a beautiful mountain district, the man with depth of soul and richness of emotion has different experiences from the man with few emotions. Only what we experience within ourselves opens up the beauties of the outer world. One man sails across the ocean, and only a few inward experiences pass through his soul: but another will then hear the eternal language of the World-Spirit, and for him are unveiled the mysteries of creation.
One must have learnt to control one’s own feelings and ideas if one wishes to develop any intimate relationship with the outer world. Every phenomenon in that outer World is full of divine splendor, but one must have felt the Divine within oneself before one can hope to discover it without. The disciple is told to set apart certain moments of his daily life during which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. But at such time he ought not to occupy himself with his own personal affairs, for this would bring about the contrary of that which he is aiming at. During these moments he ought rather to listen in complete silence to the echoes of what he has experienced, of what the outward world has told him. Then, in these periods of quiet, every flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamed of, and thus he will prepare himself to receive new impressions of the external world, as if he viewed it with different eyes. For he who merely desires to enjoy impression after impression, only stultifies the perceptive faculty, while he who lets the enjoyment afterwards reveal something to him, thus enlarges and educates it. But he must be careful not merely to let the enjoyment reverberate, as it were; but, renouncing any further enjoyment, rather to work upon his pleasurable experiences with an inward activity. The danger at this point is very great. Instead of working within one self, it is easy to fall into the opposite habit of afterwards trying to completely exhaust the enjoyment. Let us not undervalue the unforeseen sources of error which here confront the disciple. He must of necessity pass through a host of temptations, each of which tends only to harden his Ego and to imprison it within itself. He ought to open it wide for the whole world. It is necessary that he should seek enjoyment, for in this way only can the outward world get at him; and if he blunts himself to enjoyment he becomes as a plant which cannot any longer draw nourishment from its environment. Yet, if he stops at the enjoyment, he is then shut up within himself, and will only be something to himself and nothing to the world. However much he may live within himself, however intensely he may cultivate his Ego, the world will exclude him. He is dead to the world. But the disciple considers enjoyment only as a means of ennobling himself for the world. Pleasure is to him as a scout who informs him concerning the world, and after having been taught by pleasure he passes on to work. He does not learn in order that he may accumulate learning as his own treasure, but in order that he may put his learning at the service of the world.
In every man there are latent faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself knowledge of the higher worlds. The mystic, theosophist, or gnostic speaks of a soul-world and a spirit-world, which are, for him, just as real as the world which we see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical hands. At every moment his listener may say to himself: What he speaks about I too can learn, when I have developed within myself certain powers which today lie slumbering within me. There remains only the question as to how one has to commence in order to develop within oneself such faculties. For this only those can give advice who have already developed such powers within themselves. As: long as the human race has existed, there have always been schools in which those who possessed these higher faculties gave instruction to those who were in search of them. Such are called the occult schools, and the instruction which is imparted therein is called esoteric science, or occult teaching. Such a designation naturally awakens misunderstanding. He who hears it may be very easily misled into the belief that those who work in these, schools desire to represent a special, privileged class, which arbitrarily withholds its knowledge from its fellow-creatures. Indeed, he may even think that perhaps there is nothing really important behind such knowledge. For he is tempted to think that, if it were a true knowledge, there would then be no need to make a secret about it: one might then communicate it publicly and open up its advantages to all men.
Those who have been initiated into the nature of the occult knowledge are not in the least surprised that the uninitiated should so think. Only he who has to a certain degree experienced this initiation into the higher secrets of being can understand the secret of that initiation. But it may be asked: How, then, shall the uninitiated, considering the circumstances, develop any interest at all in this so-called occult knowledge? How and why ought they to search for something of whose nature they can form no idea? But such a question is based upon an entirely erroneous conception of the real nature of occult knowledge. There is, in truth, no difference between occult knowledge and all the rest of man’s knowledge and capacity. This occult knowledge is no more of a secret for the average man than writing is a secret to him who has never learned to read. And just as everyone who chooses the correct method may learn to write, so too can everyone who searches after the right way become a disciple, and even a teacher. In only one respect are the conditions here different from those that apply to external thought activities. The possibility of acquiring the art of writing may be withheld from someone through poverty, or through the state of civilisation into which he has been born; but for the attainment of knowledge in the higher worlds there is no obstacle for him who sincerely reaches for it.
Many believe that one has to find, here or there, the Masters of the higher knowledge, in order to receive enlightenment from them. In the first place, he who strives earnestly after the higher knowledge need not be afraid of any difficulty or obstacle in his search for an Initiate who shall be able to lead him into the profounder secrets of the world. Everyone, on the contrary, may be certain that an Initiate will find him out, under any circumstances, if there is in him an earnest and worthy endeavor to attain this knowledge. For it is a strict law amongst all Initiates to withhold from no man the knowledge that is due to him. But there is an equally strict law which insists that no one shall receive any occult knowledge until he is worthy. And the more strictly he observes these two laws, the more perfect is an Initiate. The order which embraces all Initiates is surrounded, as it were, by a wall, and the two laws here mentioned form two strong principles by which the constituents of this wall are held together. You may live in close friendship with an Initiate, yet this wall will separate him from you just as long as you have not become an Initiate yourself. You may enjoy in the fullest sense the heart, the love of an Initiate, yet he will only impart to you his secret when you yourself are ready for it. You may flatter him; you may torture him; nothing will induce him to divulge to you anything which he knows ought not to be disclosed, inasmuch as you, at the present stage of your evolution, do not understand how rightly to receive the secret into your soul.
The ways which prepare a man for the reception of a secret are clearly prescribed. They are indicated by the unfading, everlasting letters within the temples where the Initiates guard the hi4her secrets. In ancient times, anterior to “history,” these temples were outwardly visible; today, because our lives have become so unspiritual, they are mostly quite invisible to external sight. Yet they are present everywhere, and all who seek may find them.
Only within his soul may a man discover the means which will open for him the lips of the Initiate. To a certain high degree he must develop within himself special faculties, and then the greatest treasures of the Spirit become his own.
He must begin with a certain fundamental attitude of the soul: the student of Occultism calls it the Path of Devotion, of Veneration. Only he who maintains this attitude can, in Occultism, become a disciple. And he who has experience in these things is able to perceive even in the child the signs of approaching discipleship. There are children who look up with religious awe to those they venerate. For such people they have a respect which forbids them to admit even in the innermost sanctuary of the heart any thought of criticism or opposition. Such children grow up into young men and maidens who feel happy when they are able to look up to anything venerable. From the ranks of such children are recruited many disciples.
Have you ever paused outside the door of some venerated man, and have you, on this your first visit, felt a religious awe as you pressed the handle, in order to enter the room which for you is a holy place? Then there has been manifested in you an emotion which may be the germ of your future discipleship. It is a blessing for every developing person to have such emotions upon which to build. Only it must not be thought that such qualities are the germ of submissiveness and slavery. Experience teaches us that those can best hold their heads erect who have learnt to venerate where veneration is due. And veneration is always in its place when it rises from the depths of the heart.
If we do not develop within ourselves this deeply-rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find enough strength to evolve to something higher. The Initiate has only acquired the power of lifting his intellect to the heights of knowledge by guiding his heart into the depths of veneration and devotion. The heights of the Spirit can only be reached by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to gaze upon the Reality, but he must first acquire this right. There are laws in the spiritual life, as in the physical life. Rub a glass rod with an appropriate material and it will become electric, that is to say, it will receive the power of attracting small bodies. This exemplifies natural law. And if one has learnt even a little of physics, one knows this. Similarly, if one is acquainted with the first principles of Occultism, one knows that every feeling of true devotion which opens out in the soul, develops a power which may, sooner or later, lead to the Path of Knowledge.
He who possesses within himself this feeling of devotion, or who is fortunate enough to receive it from his education, brings a great deal along with him, when, later in life, he seeks an entrance to the higher knowledge. But he who brings no such preparation will find himself confronted with difficulties even upon the first step of the Path of Knowledge, unless he undertakes, by rigorous self-education, to create the devotional mood within himself. In our time it is especially important that full attention be given to this point. Our civilization tends much more towards criticism, the giving of judgments, and so forth, than toward devotion, and a selfless veneration. Our children already criticise far more than they worship. But every judgment, every carping criticism, frustrates the powers of the soul for the attainment of the higher knowledge, in the same measure that all heartfelt devotion develops them. In this we do not wish to say anything against our civilization. It is in no way a question of passing a criticism upon it. It is just to this critical faculty, this self-conscious human judgment, this “prove all things and hold fast the good,” that we owe the greatness of our civilisation. We could never have attained to the science, the commerce, the industry, the law of our time, had we not exercised our critical faculty everywhere, had we not everywhere applied the standard of our judgment. But what we have thereby gained in external culture we have had to pay for with a corresponding loss of the higher knowledge, of the spiritual life.
Now the one thing that everyone must clearly understand is that for him who is right in the center of the objective civilization of our time, it is very difficult to advance to the knowledge of the higher worlds. He can only do so if he works energetically within himself. At a time when the conditions of outward life were simpler, spiritual exaltation was easier of attainment. That which ought to be venerated, that which ought to be kept holy, stood out in better relief from the ordinary things of the world. In a period of criticism these ideals are lowered; other emotions take the place of veneration, respect, prayer, and wonder. Our own age continually pushes these emotions further and further back, so that in the daily life of the people they play but a very small part. He who seeks for, higher knowledge must create it within himself; he must himself instil it into his soul. It cannot be done by study: it can only be done through life. He who wishes to become a disciple must therefore assiduously cultivate the devotional mood. Everywhere in his environment he must look for that which demands of him admiration and homage. Whenever his duties or circumstances permit, he should try to renounce entirely all criticism or judgment. If I meet a man and blame him for his weakness, I rob myself of power to win the higher knowledge; but if I try to enter lovingly into his merits, I then gather such power. The disciple must continually try to follow out this advice. Experienced occultists are aware how much they owe to the continual searching for the good in all things, and the withholding of all carping criticism. This must not remain only as an external rule of life; rather must it take possession of the innermost part of our souls. We have it in our power to perfect ourselves, and by and by to transform ourselves completely. But this transformation must take place in the innermost self, in the mental life. It is not enough that I show respect only in my outward bearing toward a person; I must have this respect in my thought. The disciple must begin by drawing this devotion into his thought-life, He must altogether banish from his consciousness all thoughts of disrespect, of criticism, and he must endeavor straightway to cultivate thoughts of devotion.
Every moment in which we set ourselves to banish from our consciousness whatever remains in it of disparaging, suspicious judgment of our fellow-men, every such moment brings us nearer to the knowledge of higher things. And we rise rapidly when, in such moments, we fill our consciousness only with thoughts that evoke in us admiration, respect, and veneration for men and things. He who has experience in these matters will know that in every such moment powers are awakened in man which otherwise remain dormant. In this way the spiritual eyes of a man are opened. He begins to see things around him which hitherto he was unable to see. He begins to understand that hitherto he had only seen a part of the world around him. The man with whom he comes in contact now shows him quite a different aspect from what he showed before. Of course, he will not yet, through this rule of life alone, be able to see what has elsewhere been described as the human aura, because, for that, a still higher training is necessary. But he can rise to this higher training if he has previously gone through a thorough training in devotion. [In the last chapter of the book entitled Theosophie (Berlin, C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn), Dr. Rudolf Steiner fully describes this “Path of Knowledge;” here it is only intended to give some practical details.]
Noiseless and unnoticed by the outer world is the treading of the “Path of Discipleship.” It is not necessary that anyone should notice a change in the disciple. He does his duties as hitherto; he attends to his business as before. The transformation goes on only in the inner part of the soul, hidden from outward sight. At first the entire soul-life of a man is flooded by this fundamental mood of devotion for everything which is truly venerable. His entire soul-life finds in this fundamental mood its pivot. Just as the sun, through its rays, will vivify everything living, so in the life of the disciple this reverence vivifies all the perceptions of the soul.
At first it is not easy for people to believe that feelings like reverence, respect, and so forth, have anything to do with their perceptions. This comes from the fact that one is inclined to think of perception as a faculty quite by itself, one that stands in no relation to what otherwise happens in the soul. In so thinking, we do not remember that it is the soul which perceives. And feelings are for the soul what food is for the body. If we give the body stones in place of bread its activity will cease. It is the same with the soul. Veneration, homage, devotion, are as nutriment which makes it healthy and strong, and especially strong for the activity of perception. Disrespect, antipathy, and under-estimation, bring about the starvation and withering of this activity. For the occultist this fact is visible in the aura. A soul which harbors the feelings of devotion and reverence, brings about a change in its aura. Certain yellowish-red or brown-red tints will vanish, and tints of bluish-red will replace them. And then the organ of perception opens. It receives information of facts in its neighborhood of which hitherto it had no knowledge. Reverence awakens a sympathetic power in the soul, and through this we attract similar qualities in the beings which surround us, which would otherwise remain hidden. More effective still is that power which can be obtained by devotion when another feeling is added. One learns to give oneself up less and less to the impressions of the outer world, and to develop in its place a vivid inward life. He who darts from one impression of the outer world to another, constantly seeks dissipation, cannot find the way to Occultism. The disciple must not blunt himself to the outer world; but rich inner life will point out the direction in which he ought to lend himself to its impressions. When passing through a beautiful mountain district, the man with depth of soul and richness of emotion has different experiences from the man with few emotions. Only what we experience within ourselves opens up the beauties of the outer world. One man sails across the ocean, and only a few inward experiences pass through his soul: but another will then hear the eternal language of the World-Spirit, and for him are unveiled the mysteries of creation.
One must have learnt to control one’s own feelings and ideas if one wishes to develop any intimate relationship with the outer world. Every phenomenon in that outer World is full of divine splendor, but one must have felt the Divine within oneself before one can hope to discover it without. The disciple is told to set apart certain moments of his daily life during which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. But at such time he ought not to occupy himself with his own personal affairs, for this would bring about the contrary of that which he is aiming at. During these moments he ought rather to listen in complete silence to the echoes of what he has experienced, of what the outward world has told him. Then, in these periods of quiet, every flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamed of, and thus he will prepare himself to receive new impressions of the external world, as if he viewed it with different eyes. For he who merely desires to enjoy impression after impression, only stultifies the perceptive faculty, while he who lets the enjoyment afterwards reveal something to him, thus enlarges and educates it. But he must be careful not merely to let the enjoyment reverberate, as it were; but, renouncing any further enjoyment, rather to work upon his pleasurable experiences with an inward activity. The danger at this point is very great. Instead of working within one self, it is easy to fall into the opposite habit of afterwards trying to completely exhaust the enjoyment. Let us not undervalue the unforeseen sources of error which here confront the disciple. He must of necessity pass through a host of temptations, each of which tends only to harden his Ego and to imprison it within itself. He ought to open it wide for the whole world. It is necessary that he should seek enjoyment, for in this way only can the outward world get at him; and if he blunts himself to enjoyment he becomes as a plant which cannot any longer draw nourishment from its environment. Yet, if he stops at the enjoyment, he is then shut up within himself, and will only be something to himself and nothing to the world. However much he may live within himself, however intensely he may cultivate his Ego, the world will exclude him. He is dead to the world. But the disciple considers enjoyment only as a means of ennobling himself for the world. Pleasure is to him as a scout who informs him concerning the world, and after having been taught by pleasure he passes on to work. He does not learn in order that he may accumulate learning as his own treasure, but in order that he may put his learning at the service of the world.
all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be
transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher
must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch
of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to
accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all
knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for
the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be
rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it
as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is
expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not
become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which
becomes an ideal creates within you living powers.
Contact us
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
is your time to make your family proud and be happy again in life don’t
miss this opportunity because it only comes but once we are here to
build your future and make your dreams come true and note that poverty
is like a marriage without sex which is like a disease in human life and
you have to be aware that nothing good comes easily make your decision
today and change your life, we are known as the Great Ebutalium
Brotherhood high temple in Nigeria and Ghana, and we look forward to
welcome you into our kingdom of wealth and power where dreams are
archived to join us
Being wealthy, powerful, great, protected, lovable, famous is not a decision that you wait for someone to make for you but something you decide by yourself with mind made up to live above poverty and intimidation. Ebutalium secret occult is here to deliver that happiness to you.
Join Ebutalium secret Society occult online in Nigeria, Ghana and across the world for money rich an making of wealth, protection, how do you fell when you are folding your hand and expect money, wealth when you are not working for it do not be lazy join Ebutalium brotherhood if you want to enjoy and make money for your information remember that money rule the word now join us now to bring your self out of poverty, For those who are interested in making money, every good thing including money, comes with extra effort so to be successful in life, famous, loved and make money. All we need to do for you is “Spiritual WORK “ and every wicked power delaying your progress will clear off and good things will come to you like, money, favor from people, open doors, business breakthrough, good job. Etc. You can contact us for more information.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
all you want is just to get rich, you will never get there. Said
Ebutalium secret occult the first billionaires occult in Africa.
His point was simple: when the only thing you care about is making money, no amount of money is ever enough. What you have always pales in comparison to what you don't have and could have.
That's why true success always involves a lot more than money but even so, while we all define success differently (as well we should), most of us do factor some degree of wealth into our success equations.
So how do you become super rich? First embrace one fact: you ll never get there on salary alone. join us in this world we will show you the secret of money and wealth.
His point was simple: when the only thing you care about is making money, no amount of money is ever enough. What you have always pales in comparison to what you don't have and could have.
That's why true success always involves a lot more than money but even so, while we all define success differently (as well we should), most of us do factor some degree of wealth into our success equations.
So how do you become super rich? First embrace one fact: you ll never get there on salary alone. join us in this world we will show you the secret of money and wealth.
Multi Millionaires, Billionaires who have major
influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order. Many world
leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty
and senior executives of major Fortune 500
companies are members Ebutalium secret occult
join a secret cabal of mysterious forces and
become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or any given business,the great Ebutalium occult can make you rich forever.
July 2013 in Swiss plateau Switzerland came out successful So am assuring you more blessing. for interested, kindly take a brave step! any where you are in the WORLD joining the EBUTALIUM BROTHERHOOD will help you and we don’t force members, because is for your own good. So if interested TAKE NOTE.
1* You must be able to keep secret
2* You must have strong belief of Success
3* You must be over the age of 25 to make your own decision,
Contact the Ebutalium temple today.
Do not delay, make a good use of your time now!
Get rich IN NIGERIA the mother temple.
Am glad today because am now a successful man of Ebutalium group, I have taught of been one of the Ebutalium member so that i will be wealthy, popular, and famous in life and my family will be forever rich. I get a linked up by my primary school friend who is well known. He introduce me to a man who have a successful influence with this occult Ebutalium society, He really did all for me, and now am so glad of becoming a secret occult member, I am now rich and wealthy. Ebutalium is a great and powerful means to get popular in life. So if you really want to be like me today contact us now.
Contact us
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
Monday, 30 April 2018
At first it is not easy for people to believe that feelings like
reverence, respect, and so forth, have anything to do with their
perceptions. This comes from the fact that one is inclined to think of
perception as a faculty quite by itself, one that stands in no relation
to what otherwise happens in the soul. In so thinking, we do not
remember that it is the soul which perceives. And feelings are for the
soul what food is for the body. If we give the body stones in place of
bread its activity will cease. It is the same with the soul. Veneration,
homage, devotion, are as nutriment which makes it healthy and strong,
and especially strong for the activity of perception. Disrespect,
antipathy, and under-estimation, bring about the starvation and
withering of this activity. For the occultist this fact is visible in
the aura. A soul which harbours the feelings of devotion and reverence,
brings about a change in its aura. Certain yellowish-red or brown-red
tints will vanish, and tints of bluish-red will replace them. And then
the organ of perception opens. It receives information of facts in its
neighbourhood of which hitherto it had no knowledge. Reverence awakens a
sympathetic power in the soul, and through this we attract similar
qualities in the beings which surround us, which would otherwise remain
hidden. More effective still is that power which can be obtained by
devotion when another feeling is added. One learns to give oneself up
less and less to the impressions of the outer world, and to develop in
its place a vivid inward life. He who darts from one impression of the
outer world to another, constantly seeks dissipations, cannot find the
way to Occultism. The disciple must not blunt himself to the outer
world; but rich inner life will point out the direction in which he
ought to lend himself to its impressions. When passing through a
beautiful mountain district, the man with depth of soul and richness of
emotion has different experiences from the man with few emotions. Only
what we experience within ourselves opens up the beauties of the outer
world. One man sails across the ocean, and only a few inward experiences
pass through his soul: but another will then hear the eternal language
of the World-Spirit, and for him are unveiled the mysteries of creation.
One must have learnt to control one’s own feelings and ideas if one wishes to develop any intimate relationship with the outer world. Every phenomenon in that outer World is full of divine splendour, but one must have felt the Divine within oneself before one can hope to discover it without. The disciple is told to set apart certain moments of his daily life during which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. But at such time he ought not to occupy himself with his own personal affairs, for this would bring about the contrary of that which he is aiming at. During these moments he ought rather to listen in complete silence to the echoes of what he has experienced, of what the outward world has told him. Then, in these periods of quiet, every flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamed of, and thus he will prepare himself to receive new impressions of the external world, as if he viewed it with different eyes. For he who merely desires to enjoy impression after impression, only stultifies the perceptive faculty, while he who lets the enjoyment afterwards reveal something to him, thus enlarges and educates it. But he must be careful not merely to let the enjoyment reverberate, as it were; but, renouncing any further enjoyment, rather to work upon his pleasurable experiences with an inward activity. The danger at this point is very great. Instead of working within one self, it is easy to fall into the opposite habit of afterwards trying to completely exhaust the enjoyment. Let us not undervalue the unforeseen sources of error which here confront the disciple. He must of necessity pass through a host of temptations, each of which tends only to harden his Ego and to imprison it within itself. He ought to open it wide for the whole world. It is necessary that he should seek enjoyment, for in this way only can the outward world get at him; and if he blunts himself to enjoyment he becomes as a plant which cannot any longer draw nourishment from its environment. Yet, if he stops at the enjoyment, he is then shut up within himself, and will only be something to himself and nothing to the world. However much he may live within himself, however intensely he may cultivate his Ego, the world will exclude him. He is dead to the world. But the disciple considers enjoyment only as a means of ennobling himself for the world. Pleasure is to him as a scout who informs him concerning the world, and after having been taught by pleasure he passes on to work. He does not learn in order that he may accumulate learning as his own treasure, but in order that he may put his learning at the service of the world.
In all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which becomes an ideal creates within you living powers.
Members of Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria international, mighty name ever liveth,just money is our business
We have rules, we have command, we have godfathers, we have commitment, we have powers, we have fame, but one family, and a book to teach you what ever you want
Sorry, for this post, we know what you know, so it a pressure to be there for a mission accomplished, because you have fight for it in vision, unless it’s something you don’t mind to be insanely abandoned, or be your self ,because nothing good come so easy What is that was holding you not to be initiated, mention, it will be afforded ,without wasting of time, I mean anything,because we own the planet and we command,
Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria, are the highest and ever, kingdom of making money and rebuilding the planet with goods and beautiful ,everyone is invited, kids, young,old ,male, female, everybody but it depends on your believe,
money is nothing to be suffering for, to be crying for, to be ashamed of ,if bury the fear to the grave and come back to land of Egypt with power and fame, with money life is good We were created to recreate the world, to the extend that a kid has a power to rule the world but just your believe make you a ruler ,too easy and simple just try
We own the world, we lead, also we protect but just we alone, initiation is free
Mentioned what ever you need, that’s true living, don’t fear, never loose hope, depend on your heart, sweep out poverty, bury shame and shy to grave, and be a man of everyone, just if you believe the great Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria is here to celebrate upliftment with you
Money is evil but when you have that evil, everybody will use you as the example of good and you will live a better life, what ever you thought in your self that is good to you is beyond your believe ,give life a chance and see wealthyness through it, PEOPLE’S CLUB OF NIGERIA IS A FIRE A BREEZE CAN NEVER BLOW OFF, we are like air ,we are all over the world
We have godfathers, great chieftains men, titled underground Calibans that will protect you from any business they put you into after you where initiated, but believe your life can be changed in a seconds, people club of Nigeria are made to fight poverty
From nobody to some body, no matter how you are, what you do, where you from, how old you are, we are 100 percent equal to make you a king, and uplift your generation
We can change you whole entire life to a paradise, as soon as you where initiated,many deal to great your life is awaiting your arrival and future
For those in search of places to go and associate themselves, just because of money, or things of the world, we are now opened, for you to know that there is a way real to tell everybody that you are created equal rights and wealthy, just if you believe in yourself.
Making money is our religion and eating money is our culture, life is good when you hope on ,show everything to those who deserve everything
Great members of Ebutalium brotherhood of Nigerians , join and be rich, no one was born poor
Join and make yourself a king of everything in your life and see those you never see before, touch, laugh with them, and you can go any where in the world
Just believe in yourself, and rule, nobody is born poverty,
Your life is yours,you can do anything with it,and it’s too short so enjoy it now,so easy just contact us
We are celebrating our years being unity and progressive
A secret society is a club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. Secret Societies are organized conspiracies working in secret to achieve a hidden agenda. Members use secrecy to protect themselves and their movement. Critics view Secret Societies as malevolent organizations working against the general will of mankind. ‘ Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and they are often sworn to hold the society’s secrets by an oath. Violating the oath may result in the application of severe sanctions. Like the most successful forgeries, the most effective secret societies are unknown beyond their adherents. Members may be required to deny the organization itself exists.
The Ebutalium Brotherhood was a secret society of anti-imperialist political revolutionaries that was started in Serbia in 1912. It formed as an offshoot from Narodna Adbrona, a group that sought to unite all of the Slavic people of Europe under one country. This required the separation of Serbia from the monarchy of Austria-Hungary, which had annexed the country some years before. With this in mind, the group began disseminating anti-Austrian propaganda and training saboteurs and assassins to disrupt political rule within the province. Their plan was to incite a war between Serbia and Austria, which would give them a chance to free their country and unite the different Slavic nations as one. Black Hand would be all but forgotten today if not for their unlikely involvement in one of the biggest events of the twentieth century. In 1914, the group engineered the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The job was badly botched, and was only completed when a low-level hood named Gavrilo Princip stumbled upon the Archduke’s car and shot him to death at close range (see photo). Still, the results of the assassination were catastrophic. Within days, Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia, and after the allies of both countries joined the fray, the small dispute managed to escalate into WWI. The aftermath of WWI eventually led to WWII, and this led to the Cold War, which makes the Ebutalium secret Society one of the most strangely influential forces of the twentieth century.
The Journey of Ebutalium secret society Begins,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY AND FOR RICHES IN MY BUSINESS, JOIN EBUTALIUM OCCULT SOCIETY ONLINE FOR OCCULT MONEY MAGIC IN NIGERIA Do you want wealth, riches, super power, improvement, success, connection, fame, control, etc. ALL these will become yours once you become a member of the great Ebutalium Brotherhood , The Ebutalium brotherhood have always been both venerated and feared throughout the world, but perhaps none so much as the Ebutalium occult society in Hindu, Tantric and African traditions. What are the Naga? They are the Ebutalium Lords of ancient times, more akin to the Orishas of Santeria than to the remote gods be popular among others and have Riches and Fame, this is the only chance of becoming rich and famous in life.
Apart from initiation into our brotherhood, we have some of our Great spiritualist(great witches)who specialize in handling some of your problems such as aura cleansing,jinx/hex removal,protection,promotion at your place of work,bullet prof,invisibility and disappearance, charm against witches and wizards,fruit of the womb etc.So far in your life, Do you make all the money you need? Do you have that one special person (notice I said special not perfect) that makes you happy? Are things going well in your home, your work, your school? No? Well, then maybe its time to use a little MAGIC BATH !
SPIRITUAL BATHING is a cleansing ritual where you consciously bathe your body, your mind and your spirit and prepare yourself to attract Love, Money, Happiness and reverse undesirable conditions. It’s easy, pleasant and YUMMY, YUMMY you can even share the experience with that special someone and make your relationship even stronger.
There are many products that can help you perform this bathing ritual. Here’s some of our favorites:Click on the pictures below to see what this can for you and their prices.
They Contain the Real Plant, Root or Botanical Inside. A Perfect Way to Spiritually Cleanse Your Body for Any Magical Ritual. Available in:
Patchouli Bath Gel — For Personal Attraction
Rue Bath Gel — To Keep Away Negative Energy
Road Opener Bath Gel — To Open Horizons and Expand Possibilities
Cinnamon Bath Gel — To attract money and fortune
Macaw Bird Bath Gel — Comes with the nest of the Macaw bird and it used for good luck and to attract love and fortune
Spiritual Herbal Bath — This is one of the most traditional ways to do spiritual washes. Herbs, according to their essence, are used for drawing money, finding love, removing jinxes, opening roads and a myriad of other magical uses. Important Things about the World’s Top Paranormal Abilities No matter how often people deny it, the world abounds with mysteries that cannot be solved by a realistic paradigm. There are many ways to explain the mysteries in the world, yet getting attached to one explanation is not sufficient enough. One of the most famous topics in the realm of mysteries is the existence of paranormal abilities.
Paranormal abilities can be hard to comprehend and grasp, but below are some fine examples that have been parts of our culture for many years now.
All throughout life, human beings utilize their five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. These senses are essential for everyone to live normally and experience the beautiful things that the world can offer. For many psychics and paranormal experts across the world, there is a sixth sense called the Extra Sensory Perception. The immaterial world has vague explanations regarding ESP. Some people say that ESP is the act of knowing something through the mind. ESP tests are also famous and a large percentage of them yielded accurate results.
A common explanation of ESP is the fact that a large field of energy interconnects all beings with each other. Through this energy field, receptive people gather information they need even without the use of the cardinal senses. ESP is useful in many situations, especially those that involve danger and utmost secrecy.
While direct communication is crucial for understanding among individuals, some things are better said in secret. According to many psychics, telepathy is a way of communication through the mind. Whenever a person delving in telepathy wants to send a message, he or she can do it by tapping into the great field of consciousness. By envisioning the receiver of the message, the sender can pitch images and visions. These images will then be received as fragments or messages in the subconscious mind. Telepathy can also affect a person’s decisions indirectly, since the sender of the message has the power to influence the mind.
Some psychics have claimed that they can also do telepathic runs with animals and plants. This allows them to understand the Physical of the creatures much better.
Clairvoyance and telepathy are almost the same, yet there is a fragile line that creates the difference between them. Telepathy is all about the direct or intentional transfer of information from one source to another. Clairvoyance is something deeper — something attuned to the immaterial and psychic world. Clairvoyance is also “greater perception” because this is the act of perceiving large-scale events before they even happen. The source of the information is often unknown, but psychics are convinced that it is coming from the field of consciousness in order to deliver an omen or message.
In the realistic world, clairvoyance is often represented as foresight or pattern recognition. Foresight, however, is different since it relies on physical and visual patterns that can affect major decision-making. Foresight has been useful in the field of business planning, corporate takeovers, economic power plays, political processes, and many more
We are known all over the world, we don’t need anything from you but to build you and your future, if you believe I rather die cry and weep bitterly in a mansion than being happy in at arch-house because I know there is so much fun in hell, They don’t believe but those that tries wins,a child that was learning how to climb an iroko tree supposed to have a strong heart and powerful hood to succeed in this world
Your believe is your choice, you believe, you make your choice and be a man of the people nobody was born with poverty, Which color do you want it to be, how do you want it to look, where do you want it, AMERICA, EUROPE, INDIAN, SOUTH AFRICA, LONDON, NIGERIA, GHANA, ENGLAND, anywhere in the world but to be a man was what you see but what you believe, give it a try, we don’t force anybody, just make up your mind, but it wasn’t easy at all, Ebutalium secret occult.
Hustle can never make you rich but what you insist in to your inner heart, unless you are among the membership, Ebutalium secret occult Stop playing a game that you can not won and face future prepared for you
If you try, you will know that money is ordinary paper, but is very difficult to gather the money plenty if you don’t believe in society of demons
There a land in this Nigerian that they want to use and enslave Nigerians but we will expose it before there way works, Ebutalium brotherhood are here to change the world for good, be with us Ebutalium brotherhood is the most wonderful and powerful hood ever around the world, we created in our own taste and satisfactor, from origin, satisfaction from our fore father, so it is a strong hood in our world,
We gathered the rules and regulations and establish the command from Evil land.
Different types of ideal that is heavy for man to hear when you are through,money is just a paper if you believe and give it a try,We can make a man of the African, you can go anywhere around the world, make uncountable friends, touch, see, feel, eat and enjoy anything in this world we have business that can build your future and generation and also have those that can back you up,
Our society values you a lot, we are doing this to replace our retired members and those that has been with our ancestors and fore fathers, that’s why we want all those that are interested in occult rituals to join us although we are not for everyone but if you think we are right for you contact us now, call +234 8050325488 or email us at ebutalium@priest.com
it wasn’t easy at all but the wealthyness and riches of your secret is so enjoyable, everlasting and powerfull. wecan take you to anywhere you never see before and make you king but your heart make it happen, your believe is your goals, What ever you want is in our world so never fear.
We know what we want,life is good when you involve yourself in secret, eating money is our culture,
I and my men of Caribbean world,we have little boys that where booming all over the world ,we want all because all is unity and See the game gentle men play, it pleases the earth and shame, the haters, we rule because we created our own planet so we alone but we need our children to live and enjoy the good things in it that is why we never fall till eternity.
Eating money is our culture, You have to believe in yourself that a secret man can not do, but you do it and suicide is the secret of your success, try and see is a command to allow you do an believe that you are capable but it depends on your believe with Ebutalium secret occult , are,at land for the independent,
Being against evil will not make you a good person ,yes money is the root of evil but when you have the evil, everybody will call and make you the good person, you hate evil is not when I give you billions of that evil money, but remember no gut no glory, it depends on your believe in, “society we need all Members of Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria international, mighty name ever liveth,just money is our business We have rules, we have command, we have godfathers, we have commitment, we have powers, we have fame, but one family, and a book to teach you what ever you want
Sorry, for this post, we know what you know, so it a pressure to be there for a mission accomplished, because you have fight for it in vision, unless it’s something you don’t mind to be insanely abandoned, or be your self ,because nothing good come so easy What is that was holding you not to be initiated, mention, it will be afforded ,without wasting of time, I mean anything,because we own the planet and we command,
Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria, are the highest and ever, kingdom of making money and rebuilding the planet with goods and beautiful, everyone is invited, kids, young,old ,male, female, everybody but it depends on your believe, money is nothing to be suffering for, to be crying for, to be ashamed of ,if bury the fear to the grave and come back to land of Egypt with power and fame, with money life is good We were created to recreate the world, to the extend that a kid has a power to rule the world but just your believe make you a ruler, too easy and simple just try
We own the world, we lead, also we protect but just we alone, initiation is free.
Mentioned what ever you need, that’s true living, don’t fear, never loose hope, depend on your heart, sweep out poverty, bury shame and shy to grave, and be a man of everyone, just if you believe the great Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria is here to celebrate upliftment with you Money is evil but when you have that evil, everybody will use you as the example of good and you will live a better life, what ever you thought in your self that is good to you is beyond your believe ,give life a chance and see wealthyness through it, PEOPLE’S CLUB OF NIGERIA IS A FIRE A BREEZE CAN NEVER BLOW OFF, we are like air ,we are all over the world
We have godfathers, great chieftains men, titled underground Calibans that will protect you from any business they put you into after you where initiated, but believe your life can be changed in a seconds, people club of Nigeria are made to fight poverty
From nobody to some body, no matter how you are, what you do, where you from, how old you are, we are 100 percent equal to make you a king, and uplift your generation
We can change you whole entire life to a paradise, as soon as you where initiated,many deal to great your life is awaiting your arrival and future
For those in search of places to go and associate themselves, just because of money, or things of the world, we are now opened, for you to know that there is a way real to tell everybody that you are created equal rights and wealthy, just if you believe in you
Making money is our religion and eating money is our culture, life is good when you hope on ,show everything to those who deserve everything
Great members of Ebutalium brotherhood of Nigerians , join and be rich, no one was born poor
Join and make yourself a king of everything in your life and see those you never see before, touch, laugh with them, and you can go any where in the world
Just believe in yourself, and rule, nobody is born poverty,
Your life is yours,you can do anything with it,and it’s too short so enjoy it now,so easy just contact us
We are celebrating our years being unity and progressive
A secret society is a club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. Secret Societies are organized conspiracies working in secret to achieve a hidden agenda. Members use secrecy to protect themselves and their movement. Critics view Secret Societies as malevolent organizations working against the general will of mankind. ‘ Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and they are often sworn to hold the society’s secrets by an oath. Violating the oath may result in the application of severe sanctions. Like the most successful forgeries, the most effective secret societies are unknown beyond their adherents. Members may be required to deny the organization itself exists.
Your believe is your choice, you believe, you make your choice and be a man of the people nobody was born with poverty, Which color do you want it to be, how do you want it to look, where do you want it, AMERICA, EUROPE, INDIAN, SOUTH AFRICA, LONDON, NIGERIA, GHANA, ENGLAND, anywhere in the world but to be a man was what you see but what you believe, give it a try, we don’t force anybody, just make up your mind, but it wasn’t easy at all, Ebutalium secret occult.
Hustle can never make you rich but what you insist in to your inner heart, unless you are among the membership, Ebutalium secret occult Stop playing a game that you can not won and face future prepared for you If you try, you will know that money is ordinary paper, but is very difficult to gather the money plenty if you don’t believe in society of The great Ebutalium.
Contact us
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
One must have learnt to control one’s own feelings and ideas if one wishes to develop any intimate relationship with the outer world. Every phenomenon in that outer World is full of divine splendour, but one must have felt the Divine within oneself before one can hope to discover it without. The disciple is told to set apart certain moments of his daily life during which to withdraw into himself, quietly and alone. But at such time he ought not to occupy himself with his own personal affairs, for this would bring about the contrary of that which he is aiming at. During these moments he ought rather to listen in complete silence to the echoes of what he has experienced, of what the outward world has told him. Then, in these periods of quiet, every flower, every animal, every action will unveil to him secrets undreamed of, and thus he will prepare himself to receive new impressions of the external world, as if he viewed it with different eyes. For he who merely desires to enjoy impression after impression, only stultifies the perceptive faculty, while he who lets the enjoyment afterwards reveal something to him, thus enlarges and educates it. But he must be careful not merely to let the enjoyment reverberate, as it were; but, renouncing any further enjoyment, rather to work upon his pleasurable experiences with an inward activity. The danger at this point is very great. Instead of working within one self, it is easy to fall into the opposite habit of afterwards trying to completely exhaust the enjoyment. Let us not undervalue the unforeseen sources of error which here confront the disciple. He must of necessity pass through a host of temptations, each of which tends only to harden his Ego and to imprison it within itself. He ought to open it wide for the whole world. It is necessary that he should seek enjoyment, for in this way only can the outward world get at him; and if he blunts himself to enjoyment he becomes as a plant which cannot any longer draw nourishment from its environment. Yet, if he stops at the enjoyment, he is then shut up within himself, and will only be something to himself and nothing to the world. However much he may live within himself, however intensely he may cultivate his Ego, the world will exclude him. He is dead to the world. But the disciple considers enjoyment only as a means of ennobling himself for the world. Pleasure is to him as a scout who informs him concerning the world, and after having been taught by pleasure he passes on to work. He does not learn in order that he may accumulate learning as his own treasure, but in order that he may put his learning at the service of the world.
In all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which becomes an ideal creates within you living powers.
Members of Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria international, mighty name ever liveth,just money is our business
We have rules, we have command, we have godfathers, we have commitment, we have powers, we have fame, but one family, and a book to teach you what ever you want
Sorry, for this post, we know what you know, so it a pressure to be there for a mission accomplished, because you have fight for it in vision, unless it’s something you don’t mind to be insanely abandoned, or be your self ,because nothing good come so easy What is that was holding you not to be initiated, mention, it will be afforded ,without wasting of time, I mean anything,because we own the planet and we command,
Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria, are the highest and ever, kingdom of making money and rebuilding the planet with goods and beautiful ,everyone is invited, kids, young,old ,male, female, everybody but it depends on your believe,
money is nothing to be suffering for, to be crying for, to be ashamed of ,if bury the fear to the grave and come back to land of Egypt with power and fame, with money life is good We were created to recreate the world, to the extend that a kid has a power to rule the world but just your believe make you a ruler ,too easy and simple just try
We own the world, we lead, also we protect but just we alone, initiation is free
Mentioned what ever you need, that’s true living, don’t fear, never loose hope, depend on your heart, sweep out poverty, bury shame and shy to grave, and be a man of everyone, just if you believe the great Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria is here to celebrate upliftment with you
Money is evil but when you have that evil, everybody will use you as the example of good and you will live a better life, what ever you thought in your self that is good to you is beyond your believe ,give life a chance and see wealthyness through it, PEOPLE’S CLUB OF NIGERIA IS A FIRE A BREEZE CAN NEVER BLOW OFF, we are like air ,we are all over the world
We have godfathers, great chieftains men, titled underground Calibans that will protect you from any business they put you into after you where initiated, but believe your life can be changed in a seconds, people club of Nigeria are made to fight poverty
From nobody to some body, no matter how you are, what you do, where you from, how old you are, we are 100 percent equal to make you a king, and uplift your generation
We can change you whole entire life to a paradise, as soon as you where initiated,many deal to great your life is awaiting your arrival and future
For those in search of places to go and associate themselves, just because of money, or things of the world, we are now opened, for you to know that there is a way real to tell everybody that you are created equal rights and wealthy, just if you believe in yourself.
Making money is our religion and eating money is our culture, life is good when you hope on ,show everything to those who deserve everything
Great members of Ebutalium brotherhood of Nigerians , join and be rich, no one was born poor
Join and make yourself a king of everything in your life and see those you never see before, touch, laugh with them, and you can go any where in the world
Just believe in yourself, and rule, nobody is born poverty,
Your life is yours,you can do anything with it,and it’s too short so enjoy it now,so easy just contact us
We are celebrating our years being unity and progressive
A secret society is a club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. Secret Societies are organized conspiracies working in secret to achieve a hidden agenda. Members use secrecy to protect themselves and their movement. Critics view Secret Societies as malevolent organizations working against the general will of mankind. ‘ Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and they are often sworn to hold the society’s secrets by an oath. Violating the oath may result in the application of severe sanctions. Like the most successful forgeries, the most effective secret societies are unknown beyond their adherents. Members may be required to deny the organization itself exists.
The Ebutalium Brotherhood was a secret society of anti-imperialist political revolutionaries that was started in Serbia in 1912. It formed as an offshoot from Narodna Adbrona, a group that sought to unite all of the Slavic people of Europe under one country. This required the separation of Serbia from the monarchy of Austria-Hungary, which had annexed the country some years before. With this in mind, the group began disseminating anti-Austrian propaganda and training saboteurs and assassins to disrupt political rule within the province. Their plan was to incite a war between Serbia and Austria, which would give them a chance to free their country and unite the different Slavic nations as one. Black Hand would be all but forgotten today if not for their unlikely involvement in one of the biggest events of the twentieth century. In 1914, the group engineered the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The job was badly botched, and was only completed when a low-level hood named Gavrilo Princip stumbled upon the Archduke’s car and shot him to death at close range (see photo). Still, the results of the assassination were catastrophic. Within days, Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia, and after the allies of both countries joined the fray, the small dispute managed to escalate into WWI. The aftermath of WWI eventually led to WWII, and this led to the Cold War, which makes the Ebutalium secret Society one of the most strangely influential forces of the twentieth century.
The Journey of Ebutalium secret society Begins,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY AND FOR RICHES IN MY BUSINESS, JOIN EBUTALIUM OCCULT SOCIETY ONLINE FOR OCCULT MONEY MAGIC IN NIGERIA Do you want wealth, riches, super power, improvement, success, connection, fame, control, etc. ALL these will become yours once you become a member of the great Ebutalium Brotherhood , The Ebutalium brotherhood have always been both venerated and feared throughout the world, but perhaps none so much as the Ebutalium occult society in Hindu, Tantric and African traditions. What are the Naga? They are the Ebutalium Lords of ancient times, more akin to the Orishas of Santeria than to the remote gods be popular among others and have Riches and Fame, this is the only chance of becoming rich and famous in life.
Apart from initiation into our brotherhood, we have some of our Great spiritualist(great witches)who specialize in handling some of your problems such as aura cleansing,jinx/hex removal,protection,promotion at your place of work,bullet prof,invisibility and disappearance, charm against witches and wizards,fruit of the womb etc.So far in your life, Do you make all the money you need? Do you have that one special person (notice I said special not perfect) that makes you happy? Are things going well in your home, your work, your school? No? Well, then maybe its time to use a little MAGIC BATH !
SPIRITUAL BATHING is a cleansing ritual where you consciously bathe your body, your mind and your spirit and prepare yourself to attract Love, Money, Happiness and reverse undesirable conditions. It’s easy, pleasant and YUMMY, YUMMY you can even share the experience with that special someone and make your relationship even stronger.
There are many products that can help you perform this bathing ritual. Here’s some of our favorites:Click on the pictures below to see what this can for you and their prices.
They Contain the Real Plant, Root or Botanical Inside. A Perfect Way to Spiritually Cleanse Your Body for Any Magical Ritual. Available in:
Patchouli Bath Gel — For Personal Attraction
Rue Bath Gel — To Keep Away Negative Energy
Road Opener Bath Gel — To Open Horizons and Expand Possibilities
Cinnamon Bath Gel — To attract money and fortune
Macaw Bird Bath Gel — Comes with the nest of the Macaw bird and it used for good luck and to attract love and fortune
Spiritual Herbal Bath — This is one of the most traditional ways to do spiritual washes. Herbs, according to their essence, are used for drawing money, finding love, removing jinxes, opening roads and a myriad of other magical uses. Important Things about the World’s Top Paranormal Abilities No matter how often people deny it, the world abounds with mysteries that cannot be solved by a realistic paradigm. There are many ways to explain the mysteries in the world, yet getting attached to one explanation is not sufficient enough. One of the most famous topics in the realm of mysteries is the existence of paranormal abilities.
Paranormal abilities can be hard to comprehend and grasp, but below are some fine examples that have been parts of our culture for many years now.
All throughout life, human beings utilize their five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. These senses are essential for everyone to live normally and experience the beautiful things that the world can offer. For many psychics and paranormal experts across the world, there is a sixth sense called the Extra Sensory Perception. The immaterial world has vague explanations regarding ESP. Some people say that ESP is the act of knowing something through the mind. ESP tests are also famous and a large percentage of them yielded accurate results.
A common explanation of ESP is the fact that a large field of energy interconnects all beings with each other. Through this energy field, receptive people gather information they need even without the use of the cardinal senses. ESP is useful in many situations, especially those that involve danger and utmost secrecy.
While direct communication is crucial for understanding among individuals, some things are better said in secret. According to many psychics, telepathy is a way of communication through the mind. Whenever a person delving in telepathy wants to send a message, he or she can do it by tapping into the great field of consciousness. By envisioning the receiver of the message, the sender can pitch images and visions. These images will then be received as fragments or messages in the subconscious mind. Telepathy can also affect a person’s decisions indirectly, since the sender of the message has the power to influence the mind.
Some psychics have claimed that they can also do telepathic runs with animals and plants. This allows them to understand the Physical of the creatures much better.
Clairvoyance and telepathy are almost the same, yet there is a fragile line that creates the difference between them. Telepathy is all about the direct or intentional transfer of information from one source to another. Clairvoyance is something deeper — something attuned to the immaterial and psychic world. Clairvoyance is also “greater perception” because this is the act of perceiving large-scale events before they even happen. The source of the information is often unknown, but psychics are convinced that it is coming from the field of consciousness in order to deliver an omen or message.
In the realistic world, clairvoyance is often represented as foresight or pattern recognition. Foresight, however, is different since it relies on physical and visual patterns that can affect major decision-making. Foresight has been useful in the field of business planning, corporate takeovers, economic power plays, political processes, and many more
We are known all over the world, we don’t need anything from you but to build you and your future, if you believe I rather die cry and weep bitterly in a mansion than being happy in at arch-house because I know there is so much fun in hell, They don’t believe but those that tries wins,a child that was learning how to climb an iroko tree supposed to have a strong heart and powerful hood to succeed in this world
Your believe is your choice, you believe, you make your choice and be a man of the people nobody was born with poverty, Which color do you want it to be, how do you want it to look, where do you want it, AMERICA, EUROPE, INDIAN, SOUTH AFRICA, LONDON, NIGERIA, GHANA, ENGLAND, anywhere in the world but to be a man was what you see but what you believe, give it a try, we don’t force anybody, just make up your mind, but it wasn’t easy at all, Ebutalium secret occult.
Hustle can never make you rich but what you insist in to your inner heart, unless you are among the membership, Ebutalium secret occult Stop playing a game that you can not won and face future prepared for you
If you try, you will know that money is ordinary paper, but is very difficult to gather the money plenty if you don’t believe in society of demons
There a land in this Nigerian that they want to use and enslave Nigerians but we will expose it before there way works, Ebutalium brotherhood are here to change the world for good, be with us Ebutalium brotherhood is the most wonderful and powerful hood ever around the world, we created in our own taste and satisfactor, from origin, satisfaction from our fore father, so it is a strong hood in our world,
We gathered the rules and regulations and establish the command from Evil land.
Different types of ideal that is heavy for man to hear when you are through,money is just a paper if you believe and give it a try,We can make a man of the African, you can go anywhere around the world, make uncountable friends, touch, see, feel, eat and enjoy anything in this world we have business that can build your future and generation and also have those that can back you up,
Our society values you a lot, we are doing this to replace our retired members and those that has been with our ancestors and fore fathers, that’s why we want all those that are interested in occult rituals to join us although we are not for everyone but if you think we are right for you contact us now, call +234 8050325488 or email us at ebutalium@priest.com
it wasn’t easy at all but the wealthyness and riches of your secret is so enjoyable, everlasting and powerfull. wecan take you to anywhere you never see before and make you king but your heart make it happen, your believe is your goals, What ever you want is in our world so never fear.
We know what we want,life is good when you involve yourself in secret, eating money is our culture,
I and my men of Caribbean world,we have little boys that where booming all over the world ,we want all because all is unity and See the game gentle men play, it pleases the earth and shame, the haters, we rule because we created our own planet so we alone but we need our children to live and enjoy the good things in it that is why we never fall till eternity.
Eating money is our culture, You have to believe in yourself that a secret man can not do, but you do it and suicide is the secret of your success, try and see is a command to allow you do an believe that you are capable but it depends on your believe with Ebutalium secret occult , are,at land for the independent,
Being against evil will not make you a good person ,yes money is the root of evil but when you have the evil, everybody will call and make you the good person, you hate evil is not when I give you billions of that evil money, but remember no gut no glory, it depends on your believe in, “society we need all Members of Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria international, mighty name ever liveth,just money is our business We have rules, we have command, we have godfathers, we have commitment, we have powers, we have fame, but one family, and a book to teach you what ever you want
Sorry, for this post, we know what you know, so it a pressure to be there for a mission accomplished, because you have fight for it in vision, unless it’s something you don’t mind to be insanely abandoned, or be your self ,because nothing good come so easy What is that was holding you not to be initiated, mention, it will be afforded ,without wasting of time, I mean anything,because we own the planet and we command,
Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria, are the highest and ever, kingdom of making money and rebuilding the planet with goods and beautiful, everyone is invited, kids, young,old ,male, female, everybody but it depends on your believe, money is nothing to be suffering for, to be crying for, to be ashamed of ,if bury the fear to the grave and come back to land of Egypt with power and fame, with money life is good We were created to recreate the world, to the extend that a kid has a power to rule the world but just your believe make you a ruler, too easy and simple just try
We own the world, we lead, also we protect but just we alone, initiation is free.
Mentioned what ever you need, that’s true living, don’t fear, never loose hope, depend on your heart, sweep out poverty, bury shame and shy to grave, and be a man of everyone, just if you believe the great Ebutalium Brotherhood of Nigeria is here to celebrate upliftment with you Money is evil but when you have that evil, everybody will use you as the example of good and you will live a better life, what ever you thought in your self that is good to you is beyond your believe ,give life a chance and see wealthyness through it, PEOPLE’S CLUB OF NIGERIA IS A FIRE A BREEZE CAN NEVER BLOW OFF, we are like air ,we are all over the world
We have godfathers, great chieftains men, titled underground Calibans that will protect you from any business they put you into after you where initiated, but believe your life can be changed in a seconds, people club of Nigeria are made to fight poverty
From nobody to some body, no matter how you are, what you do, where you from, how old you are, we are 100 percent equal to make you a king, and uplift your generation
We can change you whole entire life to a paradise, as soon as you where initiated,many deal to great your life is awaiting your arrival and future
For those in search of places to go and associate themselves, just because of money, or things of the world, we are now opened, for you to know that there is a way real to tell everybody that you are created equal rights and wealthy, just if you believe in you
Making money is our religion and eating money is our culture, life is good when you hope on ,show everything to those who deserve everything
Great members of Ebutalium brotherhood of Nigerians , join and be rich, no one was born poor
Join and make yourself a king of everything in your life and see those you never see before, touch, laugh with them, and you can go any where in the world
Just believe in yourself, and rule, nobody is born poverty,
Your life is yours,you can do anything with it,and it’s too short so enjoy it now,so easy just contact us
We are celebrating our years being unity and progressive
A secret society is a club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. Secret Societies are organized conspiracies working in secret to achieve a hidden agenda. Members use secrecy to protect themselves and their movement. Critics view Secret Societies as malevolent organizations working against the general will of mankind. ‘ Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and they are often sworn to hold the society’s secrets by an oath. Violating the oath may result in the application of severe sanctions. Like the most successful forgeries, the most effective secret societies are unknown beyond their adherents. Members may be required to deny the organization itself exists.
Your believe is your choice, you believe, you make your choice and be a man of the people nobody was born with poverty, Which color do you want it to be, how do you want it to look, where do you want it, AMERICA, EUROPE, INDIAN, SOUTH AFRICA, LONDON, NIGERIA, GHANA, ENGLAND, anywhere in the world but to be a man was what you see but what you believe, give it a try, we don’t force anybody, just make up your mind, but it wasn’t easy at all, Ebutalium secret occult.
Hustle can never make you rich but what you insist in to your inner heart, unless you are among the membership, Ebutalium secret occult Stop playing a game that you can not won and face future prepared for you If you try, you will know that money is ordinary paper, but is very difficult to gather the money plenty if you don’t believe in society of The great Ebutalium.
Contact us
Mobile: +234 7087065680
phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
We welcome ladies and gentle men in this organization to achieve their aims, goal, & to overcome their physical challenges around you, in all aspect, protection fame & financially, powers money, quick riches,and power to gain contract and promotion from governments and organization, do as i say charm and if you want anybody to do what you tell him or her you need this, power to obtain favor from people and win election, and power to disappear and to appear to different location, and power to transport hard drugs such as cocaine heroin, narcoses marijuana e.t.c.This is the way and to become man or woman of substance in life you know you have to be strong financially, and path of this will be given to you after becoming our member.
Making money in the Ebutalium secret occult is guaranteed, the secret occult offers Initiate members growth power, Wealth, free Visa, free job.
Now Belong to Ebutalium secret Society at our temple and get made without any human sacrifice, take away fear from your mind and become super rich on fame, power and riches. And we must inform you that our occult don’t make use of Human for sacrifices, cause that’s the mentality of non-members. Previous years there has always been an initiation blessing of thousands of dollars that’s been giving to every intending member after initiation, but this year initiation there is a rumor that the initiation blessing will brought down, because of the population of the registered members to be initiated this year that’s on ground so I have to still confirm that information.The last initiation which was conducted July 2013 in Swiss plateau Switzerland came out successful So am assuring you more blessing. for interested, kindly take a brave step! any where you are in the world joining the Ebutalium secret occult will help you and we don’t force members, because is for your own good. So if interested TAKE NOTE OF THIS:
1* You must be able to keep secret
2* You must have strong belief of Success
3* You must be over the age of 24 to make your own decision
Ebutalium Temple now to become supper rich on FAME, POWER & WEALTH. Get rich IN NIGERIA mother temple. Do not delay, make a good use of your time now!!
People don’t join occult because they want to join cults. Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, “Hey, I’d love to join a cult today!” Another misconception is that people join cults because they’re stupid or uneducated. THIS IS NOT TRUE. (In The Assembly, we had plenty of highly educated folks). So, please. Check your condescension. If people KNEW what they were getting into, no body would join a cult. without having problems a lot of people are joining cult because of there family background and some are joining because of success, wealth, fame, power, money so i adverse you whatever thing you want to do, do it well. Ebutalium brotherhood occult is not here for every body, we are here for the desperate one.
I believe we all have a dream, a dream to become something big in life, so many people die today without accomplishing their dreams. Some of us are destined to become the president of our various countries or to become one of the world greatest musician, footballer, politician, businessman, comedian or to be a helper to other people that are in needs. Ebutalium comes in to help those that are in needs and also help them achieve their dreams by bringing out the best in them, many people don’t know the aim or objectives of Ebutalium but they preach about fame and riches all the time, Ebutalium is more than that. Ebutalium family believes in Human race and they want to make the world a better place for everybody by bringing the new world order. For those fake agent or people claiming to be part of Ebutalium, stop given Ebutalium bad names by deceiving innocent people, you all are being watched, be warn. For those who are talented and gifted and needed help to accomplish their dreams and heart desire. Contact us now, if you wish to have wealth Want to grow your bank account? Need funds to enjoy the good life? Tired of working hard and getting nowhere? The most powerful society welcomes you to the brotherhood. contact Ebutalium initiation home center. Send us your most important desire and we shall work our powers in your favor. Be sure to tell Ebutalium brotherhood what you want.
Am glad today because am now a successful man of Ebutalium, I have taught of been one of the Ebutalium member so that i will be wealthy, popular, and famous in life and my family will be forever rich. I get a linked up by my primary school friend who is well known. He introduce me to a man who have a successful influence with this occult Ebutalium. He really did all for me, and now am so glad of becoming a Ebutalium member, I am now rich and wealthy. Ebutalium is a great and powerful means to get popular in life. So if you really want to be like me today email us ebutalium@priest.com
Since this is a need for most all humans and humans seek for this and strive to and for the purpose of getting material gains, I will start here and explain the process of this in occult teams on how to better your life in terms of money and becoming rich through the occult.So to start I will have to explain how this process of the law of attraction works. First off all You must know there is no real gods or Goddesses they are only I cons for our conscious mind to grasp the idea of the actual astral inner side force of the non physical forces which are only forces.
Join Ebutalium secret occult that You have made it to the ranks of the worlds most elite group. You have made it here because you chose to seek. the massive knowledge and power that is provided to those that wish to become enlightened. The path of enlightenment is not difficult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it.
Never before have we sought out, in any outlet be it traditional print or digital media, a new membership, available to the public. But we now realize that the public is who seeks knowledge, and wishes to use it in a way that helps the masses become enlightened, and live in a way that enlightened ones do! Now is the new era of the Ebutalium Brotherhood.
Ebutalium insists on not asking to pay for membership. They explain this as a gratitude for personal achievements. Membership is positioned as a great pride and honor, the Ebutalium chooses their members independently and send out private and exclusive invitations but everyone can try to receive such invitation by filling the form.
The Ebutalium connects and unites only the worthiest. That is why you have to be rich, famous and powerful unless you are a member of the Ebutalium family, if you want to know how to join Ebutalium in Nigeria or any other country, you are welcome to the Ebutalium secret occult were all goal and desire are granted become rich and famous all in a blink of an eye become the most famous person in your country and be on top of the world or be the talk of the would earn up to 30,000,000 in 3 days after your initiation become a member of the Ebutalium today an be fulfilled.
Join The Ebutalium occult society anywhere in the world today to be rich, fame, and posses power. Contact us for immediate initiation new members registration is now open online!!!
You don’t need all the stress of doing evil in the quest for making money, For those who are interested in making money, every good thing including money, comes with extra effort so to be successful in life, famous, loved and make money. All u need to do is a “Spiritual Bath” and every wicked power delaying ur progress will clear off and good things will come to you like, money, favour from people, open doors, business breakthrough, good job etc.
The multitude of choices we all have, it is easy to get distracted from where we want to go in life. I offer you a few suggestions on how to find your path and stay on your path to great wealth, if you should choose to do so, join Ebutalium occult society online to be rich within 14 days this we be giving to you after your initiation in Edo state Nigeria
Are you a billionaire? If not, do you want to be a billionaire? Take a moment to consider how your life would change if you were worth 50 million Naira or more. For most people, a million Naira, let alone a few million, or better yet tens of millions of Naira, would likely result in a significant lifestyle change for most people. we make you rich and famous join us now to make money registration in to the hood is free but your items for your initiation you we be the one to buy it that we cost you 50 to 70,000 Naira
How do you know you’re good at nothing when you never tried. You don’t know what you’re capable of unless you push yourself out of your comfort zone.
Buhari was not born talented to be the president of Nigeria . DANGOTE wasn’t born to be a richest man in Africa . Steve Jobs used to sleep on the beach and Ed Sheeran used to perform on the streets and clubs and was homeless for years. 75% of billionaires in the world are self-made. Eminem had no father, his mother hated him and he was a broke and a drug addict. He attempted suicide once to get rid of his problems. Look at him now. It’s all about working your ass off when the rest of the world is resting. People aren’t chosen, they are made. You have to believe in yourself when no one does.
“You can do anything you set your mind to.” Eminem
“You can be the greatest, you can be the best. You can be the King Kong banging on your chest. You can beat the world, you can win the war, you can talk to god, go banging on his door. You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock, you can move a mountain, you can break rocks. You can be the master, don’t wait for luck!”
- The Script’s Hall Of Fame my brothers and sister don’t fold your hands work for your progress we are here to help you, we will make you great that money we not be your problem call for financial help Ebutalium Brotherhood occult is here to help the poor ones we are in Africa your are welcome, we offer you 30,000,000 Naira after your initiation and we give you our magic ring hurry up now and make your choice.
Join Ebutalium occult online for money rich an making of wealth, protection, how do you fell when you are folding your hand and expect money, wealth when you ar not working for it do not be lazy join Ebutalium secret occult temple if you want to enjoy and make money for your information remember that money rule the word now join us now to bring your self out of poverty call our grand master on +234 805 032 5488.
For those who are interested in making money, every good thing including money, comes with extra effort so to be successful in life, famous, loved and make money. All we need to do for you is “Spiritual WORK “ and every wicked power delaying your progress will clear off and good things will come to you like, money, favor from people, open doors, business breakthrough, good job. Etc.
In every man there are latent faculties by means of which he can acquire for himself knowledge of the higher worlds. The mystic, theosophist, or gnostic speaks of a soul-world and a spirit-world, which are, for him, just as real as the world which we see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical hands. At every moment his listener may say to himself: What he speaks about I too can learn, when I have developed within myself certain powers which today lie slumbering within me. There remains only the question as to how one has to commence in order to develop within oneself such faculties. For this only those can give advice who have already developed such powers within themselves. As: long as the human race has existed, there have always been schools in which those who possessed these higher faculties gave instruction to those who were in search of them. Such are called the occult schools, and the instruction which is imparted there in is called esoteric science, or occult teaching. Such a designation naturally awakens misunderstanding. He who hears it may be very easily misled into the belief that those who work in these, schools desire to represent a special, privileged class, which arbitrarily withholds its knowledge from its fellow-creatures. Indeed, he may even think that perhaps there is nothing really important behind such knowledge. For he is tempted to think that, if it were a true knowledge, there would then be no need to make a secret about it: one might then communicate it publicly and open up its advantages to all men.
Those who have been initiated into the nature of the occult knowledge are not in the least surprised that the uninitiated should so think. Only he who has to a certain degree experienced this initiation into the higher secrets of being. can understand the secret of that initiation. But it may be asked: How, then, shall the uninitiated, considering the circumstances, develop any interest at all in this so-called occult knowledge? How and why ought they to search for something of whose nature they can form no idea? But such a question is based upon an entirely erroneous conception of the real nature of occult knowledge There is, in truth, no difference between occult knowledge and all the rest of man’s knowledge and capacity. This occult knowledge is no more of a secret for the average man than writing is a secret to him who has never learned to read. And just as everyone who chooses the correct method may learn to write, so can everyone who searches after the right way become a disciple, and even a teacher. In only one respect are the conditions here different from those that apply to external thought activities. The possibility of acquiring the art of writing may be withheld from someone through poverty, or through the state of civilisation into which he has been born; but for the attainment of knowledge in Many believe that one has to find, here or there, the Masters of the higher knowledge, in order to receive enlightenment from them. In the first place, he who strives earnestly after the higher knowledge need not be afraid of any difficulty or obstacle in his search for an Initiate who shall be able to lead him into the profounder secrets of the world. Everyone, on the contrary, may be certain that an Initiate will find him out, under any circumstances, if there is in him an earnest and worthy endeavor to attain this knowledge. For it is a strict law among all Initiates to withhold from no man the knowledge that is due to him. But there is an equally strict law which insists that no one shall receive any occult knowledge until he is worthy. And the more strictly he observes these two laws, the more perfect is an Initiate. The order which embraces all Initiates is surrounded, as it were, by a wall, and the two laws here mentioned form two strong principles by which the constituents of this wall are held together. You may live in close friendship with an Initiate, yet this wall will separate him from you just as long as you have not become an Initiate yourself. You may enjoy in the fullest sense the heart, the love of an Initiate, yet he will only impart to you his secret when you yourself are ready for it. You may flatter him; you may torture him; nothing will induce him to divulge to you anything which he knows ought not to be disclosed, in as much as you are at the present stage of your evolution, do not understand how rightly to receive the secret into your soul.
The ways which prepare a man for the reception of a secret are clearly prescribed. They are indicated by the unfading, everlasting letters within the temples where the Initiates guard the eye for eye secrets. In ancient times, anterior to “history,” these temples were outwardly visible; today, because our lives have become so unspiritual, they are mostly quite invisible to external sight. Yet they are present everywhere, and all who seek may find them.
Only within his soul may a man discover the means which will open for him the lips of the Initiate. To a certain high degree he must develop within himself special faculties, and then the greatest treasures of the Spirit become his own,
He must begin with a certain fundamental attitude of the soul: the student of Occultism calls it the Path of Devotion, of Veneration. Only he who maintains this attitude can, in Occultism, become a disciple. And he who has experience in these things is able to perceive even in the child the signs of approaching discipleship. There are children who look up with religious await those they venerate. For such people they have a respect which forbids them to admit even in the innermost sanctuary of the heart any thought of criticism or opposition. Such children grow up into young men and maidens who feel happy when they are able to look up to anything venerable. From the ranks of such children are recruited many disciples.
Have you ever paused outside the door of some venerated man, and have you, on this your first visit, felt a religious awe as you pressed the handle, in order to enter the room which for you is a holy place? Then there has been manifested in you an emotion which may be the germ of your future discipleship. It is a blessing for every developing person to have such emotions upon which to build. Only it must not be thought that such qualities are the germ of submissiveness and slavery. Experience teaches us that those can best hold their heads erect who have learnt to venerate where veneration is due. And veneration is always in its place when it rises from the depths of the heart.
If we do not develop within ourselves this deeply-rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find enough strength to evolve to something higher. The Initiate has only acquired the power of lifting his intellect to the heights of knowledge by guiding his heart into the depths of veneration and devotion. The heights of the Spirit can only be reached by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to gaze upon the Reality, but he must first acquire this right. There are laws in the spiritual life, as in the physical life. Rub a glass rod with an appropriate material and it will become electric, that is to say, it will receive the power of attracting small bodies. This exemplifies natural law. And if one has learnt even a little of physics, one knows this. Similarly, if one is acquainted with the first principles of Occultism, one knows that every feeling of true devotion which opens out in the soul, develops a power which may, sooner or later, lead to the Path of Knowledge.
He who possesses within himself this feeling of devotion, or who is fortunate enough to receive it from his education, brings a great deal along with him, when, later in life, he seeks an entrance to the higher knowledge. But he who brings no such preparation will find himself confronted with difficulties even upon the first step of the Path of Knowledge, unless he undertakes, by rigorous self-education, to create the devotional mood within himself. In our time it is especially important that full attention be given to this point. Our civilization tends much more towards criticism, the giving of judgments, and so forth, than toward devotion, and a selfless veneration. Our children already criticise far more than they worship. But every judgment, every carping criticism, frustrates the powers of the soul for the attainment of the higher knowledge, in the same measure that all heartfelt devotion develops them. In this we do not wish to say anything against our civilisation. It isn nlonger way a question of passing a criticism upon it. It is just to this critical faculty, this self-conscious human judgment, this “prove all things and hold fast the good,” that we owe the greatness of our vilification. We could never have attained to the science, the commerce, the industry, the law of our time, had we not exercised our critical faculty everywhere, had we not everywhere applied the standard of our judgment. But what we have thereby gained in external culture we have had to pay for with a corresponding loss of the higher knowledge, of the spiritual life.
Now the one thing that everyone must clearly understand is that for him who is right in the center of the objective civilization of our time, it is very difficult to advance to the knowledge of the higher worlds. He can only do so if he works energetically within himself. At a time when the conditions of outward life were simpler, spiritual exaltation was easier of attainment. That which ought to be venerated, that which ought to be kept holy, stood out in better relief from the ordinary things of the world. In a period of criticism these ideals are lowered; other emotions take the place of veneration, respect, prayer, and wonder. Our own age continually pushes these emotions further and further back, so that in the daily life of the people they play but a very small part. He who seeks for, higher knowledge must create it within himself; he must himself instill it into his soul. It cannot be done by study: it can only be done through life. He who wishes to become a disciple must therefore assiduously cultivate the devotional mood. Everywhere in his environment he must look for that which demands of him admiration and homage. Whenever his duties or circumstances permit, he should try to renounce entirely all criticism or judgment. If I meet a man and blame him for his weakness, I rob myself of power to win the higher knowledge; but if I try to enter lovingly into his merits, I then gather such power. The disciple must continually try to follow out this advice. Experienced occultists are aware how much they owe to the continual searching for the good in all things, and the withholding of all carping criticism. This must not remain only as an external rule of life; rather must it take possession of the innermost part of our souls. We have it in our power to perfect ourselves, and by and by to transform ourselves completely. But this transformation must take place in the innermost self, in the mental life. It is not enough that I show respect only in my outward bearing toward a person; I must have this respect in my thought. The disciple must begin by drawing this devotion into his thought-life, He must altogether banish from his consciousness all thoughts of disrespect, of criticism, and he must endeavor straightway to cultivate thoughts of devotion.
Every moment in which we set ourselves to banish from our consciousness whatever remains in it of disparaging, suspicious judgment of our fellow-men, every such moment brings us nearer to the knowledge of higher things. And we rise rapidly when, in such moments, we fill our consciousness only with thoughts that evoke in us admiration, respect, and veneration for men and things. He who has experience in these matters will know that in every such moment powers are awakened in man which otherwise remain dormant. In this way the spiritual eyes of a man are opened. He begins to see things around him which hitherto he was unable to see. He begins to understand that hitherto he had only seen a part of the world around him. The man with whom he comes in contact now shows him quite a different aspect from what he showed before. Of course, he will not yet, through this rule of life alone, be able to see what has elsewhere been described as the human aura, because, for that, a still higher training is necessary. But he can rise to this higher training if he has previously gone through a thorough training in devotion. [In the last chapter of the book entitled Theosophie (Berlin, C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn), Dr. Rudolf Steiner fully describes this “Path of Knowledge;” here it is only intended to give some practical details.
Noiseless and unnoticed by the outer world is the treading of the “Path of Discipleship.” It is not necessary that anyone should notice a change in the disciple. He does his duties as hitherto; he attends to his business as before. The transformation goes on only in the inner part of the soul, hidden from outward sight. At first the entire soul-life of a man is flooded by this fundamental mood of devotion for everything which is truly venerable. His entire soul-life finds in this fundamental mood its pivot. Just as the sun, through its rays, will vivify everything living, so in the life of the disciple this reverence vivifies all the perceptions of the soul.
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phone : +234 8050325488
Email : ebutalium@priest.com
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Is someone standing in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you want? When all other tactics fail, you can join the Ebutalium secret occult to bring about the outcome you desire. Our rituals is fueled by powerful forces and spirits.
Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main themes in our life experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that we all have such strong feelings about money.
We want to show you that the alignment of your thoughts of making money, the way you feel about this idea, and the money that flows into your pocket. If you can bring these thoughts into alignment consciously, you will gain access to the powers of the universe, and then you will see that time and physical effort are quite irrelevant to your financial success.
Let’s begin with a simple premise of your world and universe: You get what you think. We often hear people say that cannot be right, because I have wanted more money all my life and I have thought about it, and yet I still struggle with the fact that I do not have enough of it. And what we always tell them afterwards, is that the most important thing to improve your financial situation is to really understand where struggles stem from.
We can give your business new hope through our use of rituals you will attract more money and have greater success. Success or failure often depends on "accidental" meetings and "random", suddenly opened possibilities. Even Albert Einstein said: "There are no coincidences. God does not play dice.
Money Magic
The right way of thinking
When you talk or think about money and you feel discomfort or fear, you are not speaking about money, but instead the lack of it. When you speak about money and you feel joy, comfort and think about prosperity and well being, you will get it.The difference is significant because the second statement makes money, the first keeps money from you.
It is important, how you think about money and more importantly how you feel about money. If you say things like: ‘Oh this is beautiful, if only I could afford it’. Such thoughts are the sign, that you don't have the harmonious attitude towards wealth and prosperity. So, first step is to understand, what is wrong with your thoughts and attitudes. Only if you know your problem, you can change it! Instead of the feeling of disappointment or lack of something, which cannot be fulfilled now, your attention should be more focused on what you want. No on the absence of it.
Many people constantly associate the feeling of not having enough with their lives; because they lack the ability to think beyond what they actually experience. In other words, if they see money is scarce, and are aware of it and often speak of it, they will remain in this state and this thought pattern will become chronic. Now I know many of you are protesting what I am saying, but the truth is that the power lies within you. You must understand that you will not achieve your desire if you continue just to look for it and speak of it. You also need to take an action! It is the second step. Extend who you are, you cannot fulfil your desire with your current identity, you need to become more than you are today. For example, if you want to be successful, you have to adapt the behaviour and habits of successful people!
Our way of thinking is what creates our life! How we think is how we experience our reality. Transform your thinking, be grateful for everything, and you will attract more experience worthy of being grateful. This transformation is occult Magic! And if you support this with some success ritual, you will attract the chance you are waiting for.
Most important is to find a balance
If you care only about your inner harmony, strengthen the things that you accumlate and focus on your actions and your state of well being, but if you do not find this balance and try to feel better, do more things and activities in order to feel better, you do not ever pick up the balance.
For most people this will comes from a place of lacking, in many cases they want something just because they do not have it, and once they have the possession they are not satisfied inside because there is always something that they do not have. Thus, it becomes an endless struggle, always one more thing they want and that will not make them happy even if it is brought into their lives.
Amulet to find a job
For those looking for a job of any kind.
In the language of the sacred, Tyr represents success and victory in a search. It is the rune of the Norse god Tiw, a mighty warrior and noble ally in times of need. In runic alphabet Tyr is the first of eight runes according to traditional reigns. So all of the blessings, strength, determination and perseverance of this God can help you. When you call on the magical properties of this rune they will strengthen your resolve and your imagination, so that your search for a good paying job will be rewarded with success. You have noticed in the illustration that Tyr resembles an arrow. This represents how important it is to have a clear goal in mind when searching for a job. The rune also features a refuge, which suggest that this spell is needed and not used by the greedy and thus real success is likely to be obtained.
To turn on the charm:
Time: To reach your goals do this spell during a crescent moon. Wednesday is the best day as it is the day of understanding and the planet Mercury. Tuesday, which is named after the god Tiw, is considered the second best choice.
Spell Application:
1 Construct a circle as directed
2 Ignite a candle with these words. ‘Spirit of success look over, me secure me, hold me.
3 Hold the flint firmly between your palms, and imagine yourself happy and satisfied on the way to work with a bag full of money.
4 When you are ready take a deep breath and breathe onto the stone as you imagine that everything you have just requested, will be transferred to the stone. Then say: With my breath I give you strength.
5 Paint Tyr on the flat side of the stone let it lie out to dry next to the candle.
6 The next day place the stone in your coat or pants pocket and carry it with you at all times. When your wish comes true throw the stone into the next possible natural water.
What you will need:
A yellow candle 15-20cm high when you would like to do the spell on Wednesday or a red candle 15-20cm high if you wish to do the spell on Tuesday. Matches or lighter. A small stone with a flat surface - light and small enough to be worn in a jacket or trouser pocket.
More on Money magic and magic success.
Do you sometimes feel like everything happens for a reason? That some people are just "luckier" or others that always seem to have ‘bad luck’. These events are not a mere coincidence. Whether they know it or not, these situations are the result of an accurate, precise plan and the interactions of others. We can help you achieve your goals, so you are among those who "have more luck,". Let us help you make your dreams come true.
Money magic rituals
Voodoo Ritual
Money magic, magic success - white magic
The work lamp
What you will need:
One coconut
One candle wick
Heart meat (you can get this at your local supermarket)
Red wine
Two small pieces of wood or coconut that you can tie together to support the candlewick.
It is important that you make this lamp, so that you have a connection to the lamp. First cut the coconut in half, use three stones (placed under the coconut) to support it so that it does not tip over. For safety we recommend you place the coconut on a middle cooking tray or any other tray or pan with high sides incase the oil leaks. Do not remove the pulp from the coconut, as this will prevent the oil from leaking out. If you do remove the pulp the coconut will leak hot oil and this can also be dangerous.
Second, take the bone and push it inside of the heart meat, for example if you were to push one finger into clay.
Next, place the heart meat and bone inside of the coconut and pour seven drops of red wine over the top. While dripping the red wine, verbalize your wishes and call Legba.
Next pour the hot oil over the bone and heart meat, do not fill the coconut more than half way. While pouring the oil concentrate on Legba and the lamp.
Now take the two sticks, bamboo or coconut and lay them on top one another in an X shape. You can attach them to one another with string or the candlewick.
Next place the candlewick in between these two pieces of bamboo and very carefully, holding the top end of the wick place it into the oil. The bamboo should float on the oil and keep the top of the wick out of the oil; the bottom of the wick should be submerged.
The lamp should be kept burning until you obtain your desired result.
Caution Legba is one of the strongest Loa, and should not be called upon unnecessarily; this could have very serious consequences.
Who keeps searching, will find!
Are you feeling sick, weak or experience an overall lack of energy? Do you need to solve your current situation or problem with the help of magic because all other solutions have failed? Try to solve your problems with us, we're looking forward to hearing from you!
Ebutalium rituals for Prosperity
Business Support and Success Spells
What is real success? It is permanent life in satisfaction, balance and happiness! The Ebutalium ritual of prosperity, or magic of success and money, can help your business to spread its wings. In order to achieve, what you desire, we can assist you in making difficult business decisions. Many times, a business is about spending hours at work, including your weekends. This is very energy demanding way of life and therefore, we can increase your energy level, so that you can follow your dreams. What if your business is going in the wrong direction? Sometimes you feel that even though you may seem to do your best, things are not improving. Your confidence fades away. Do not worry and concentrate on your business! We can help you to find out the reasons of your failures and focus you on solving of your problems.
How to attract success
New way of thinking
4 steps towards more money
Ritual for success
We can support you through magic of success, magical rituals for money and wealth rituals. But be aware, that the real reason you want success, money and wealth, is your inner desire to be happy and safe. Don't wait to be happy, when your dreams come true one day… instead of that, while pursuing your dreams, choose to be happy here and now and be always aware, who you really are.
Prosperity Magic
How to attract success
Do you ever feel like somethings happen for a reason? Like there are some people that are just more 'lucky' or they seem to get all what they want and have more chances than others? These happenings are not coincidences. Theses "lucky" people do things differently than others. Their "luck" is the result of their clear visions what they want (which attracts the right things), their focus on what they want (they don't waste time, do just one thing till they get what they want), and active behaviour: careful planning and action. We can help you to achieve your goals, get those breaks, and be one of the 'lucky' ones. Let us help you make your dreams come true.
Success often depends on „fortuitous“ meeting and „fortuitous“ unexpectedly opened possibilities. Chances are here for everyone! The question is, how to attract things, which we want and how to make things work for us, not against us. Albert Einstein said: „There are no fortuities. God doesn’t play dice.“ The power achieved from the rituals of money and success can open doors, which you think you would never open alone. We can support you with energy transfers and with our magic rituals, so that you don’t just work hard, but your well-being grows steadily and you have a chance to achieve, what you want.
We can say that every human is a Mage. We can say this, because everybody attracts that kind of reality, which s/he has in his/her attention. Our thoughts, attention and also consciousness are energies. Winners never give up after one failure (or twenty failures), because they believe and feel, that it is just a matter of time to get what they want. They are positive about their desires and they never doubt, weather they can achieve something or not! This topic is explained very concisely in the following books:
Esther and Jerry Hicks - Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness
Neale Donald Walsch – Happier than God
Wayne W. Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting
So, as it was said, person who wishes success or wealth should think about them. One should think of what s/he wishes, not of what s/he doesn't wish. Even the poorest person in the world has one freedom: to decide, what thoughts s/he will feed and cultivate in his/her mind. Good thoughts and gratitude attracts good things to life. Fears, doubts and miserable thoughts attract exactly, what we don't want.
For example, one can think positively about a future, in which he/she earns enough money. The other can think of lack of money and bother him/herself with bad feelings. The first one will attract wealth, the second one the lack of wealth. Of course, in theory it is easy to say and in practice not easy to achieve. We will teach you some meditation techniques, which can help you to direct your thoughts in right way. In order to deal with your thoughts and feelings, with yourself, you need of course some practice and endurance. Find out more and contact us!
Magic of Money and Success
A new way of thinking
Magic of money and magic of success help you to get quickly accustomed to new way of thinking. With the help of magic will quickly appear new business possibilities and better paid working possibilities; and this will make a change in your life.
Everyone has the right to successful and fulfilled life and the magic can help you to fulfil this dream. With the help of magic of money and magic of success, you will feel more energy and inspiration on the one hand; on the other hand you will become well- balanced, peaceful and naturally self-confident. Magic creates a new chance. But Magic needs some basic, through witch it flows. And this basis is your own activity (psychical and physical). Magic is the key, which opens the door. But it has to be you, who walk through that door and win, what is prepared there for you!
4. Steps towards
money and success
Statistics show us, that the lack of money and financial problems are the main reasons for a divorce and ending relationships in general. And, experience also shows us, that people with good living standard are able to find a partner much easier than people with financial problems. Here are some tips, what to do to improve your financial situation:
1. Build positive relationship towards money! Many people want and try to be good, but unconsciously think: "Money spoil one's character, money are dirty, if someone has money, he has to be vicious!" If are these ideas also in your head, you can hardly expect, that you will become rich. It is important to know, that the money are simply the energy. They are not positive or negative. People make them positive or negative with their activities. If you want to earn more money, you need to change your attitudes towards money (you can try to use also tools like hypnosis or meditation). You can say and experience it within:“I am attracting the abundance of money. This energy of abundance is good and I like to attract good things.”
2. Build your prosperity strategy on knowledge. Nowadays, it is hardly possible to earn a lot of money by doing simple jobs and manual activities. Everything, what can be automatised, will be automatised and more and more jobs are done by robots and automatic machines. So, the simple jobs like taxi driver or booking clerk will vanish. The only way, how to earn more money, is to have or know something, what others don't have and they want it. To be an expert is certain area. If you want to invest money, invest them into your own education. There are many possibilities of education, and internet enables us to study also online.
3. Create a clear direction, where you want to go. In general, it is always useful to invest your time into learning foreign languages. English language is a must, and its importance will grow further. If you know english well, learn another language, which you find attractive, learn design or psychology, or mechanical engineering. Just don't stop learning something new all the time. With learning, you meet new people, get new inspiring ideas, make your perspective broader. This way, you can get wonderful business ideas too.
Your way to earning lots of money will be easier, if you do, what you like and enjoy. There are lots of people, who did'n achieve anything just because they did something in order to earn lots of money. One should do it differently. Do, what you like and what gives you a meaning.
Unfortunately, there are too many people, who don't know, what they want. There are two strategies, how to find out, what you want. First strategy: imagine, that you have on your account 300.000.000 dollars. What will you do? This way, many people get an idea, what would they do: "If I have lots of money, I would spend my days on the beach, surfing. Or, I would write a books, or have a farm with horses". Many times you can do these activities also without profound investments, or you can start planning, what would you need, in order to get what you want. If you want to write a book, it is no problem to sit down and write one hour a day on computer.
Second strategy: imagine, that you died. What would you like to hear people saying at your funeral? What message would you like to give to the world? What is worthy to remember? The most important thing is to start doing something despite of lack of time or money. Just do it because it gives a meaning to my life. I recommend you to read this book: „The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing“ by Bronnie Ware.
4. If you know, what you want, do it professionally and perfectly. Who is my target group? What are the problems and needs of these people? If you don't exactly know, ask them. Invest into marketing, so that people know about you, build a platform, where your potential clients find answers to their questions and needs.
It is necessary to do your business professionally. Later, it will create you a profit.
Simple ritual for success and money
Ebutalium ritual
You will need: one golden candle, one dark green candle. They represent business and money. Then you will need orange oil and Patchouli oil.
Best time for the ritual: for money and success spell is best time period of waxing moon till full moon, days Thursday or Sunday.
Ritual instructions: Spread oils on both candles. Start in the middle of the candle and move to the upper edge, let fingers loose the candle. Then, again, move from the upper part to the middle and continue to the lower part. Place dark green candle to the left and golden candle to the right side. Light up dark green candle and then golden candle. Then, say aloud your wish. Wish should be formulated in positive way and said in present time, as if it has already come true. After saying your desire, concentrate as strong as possible on your wish, visualise it so that you can see it in front of you clearly. Then, leave the candles burn down completely.
With the help of Power and prosperity magic, you can achieve everything your deeper self desires. With the support of our energies you will have power to become successful. Talk with us!
More rituals for magic and success.
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